Archived News: Page 1 (13/08/02 - 30/10/02)
Page 2 (19/11/02 - 23/01/03)
30/10/02 - Medieval and New SP level
Medieval is now in the final stages of beta testing and should be released soon. I have got going on the next SP level, follow up to Prison_Escape - Occupation. It's based on a Medieval like World, I'm going for a kind of Zelda feel, with you being able to walk around the town and explore, talk to people a bit, learn things. One puzzle to solve already planned: Who is the traitor in the town? There are quite a few new voice acting parts that I'm creating at the moment, I've realised the map could do with some more characters. All those who applied for voice acting parts, I'm going to be going through what you sent me and looking at whose vice seems to fit for which part. If any of yu want to send me any more sound files please do. Likewise, if anyone else who hasn't yet emailed me about voice acting would like to, now is a good time with a lot of new (but fairly small) parts coming up!

Head to the WIP page to see some early info on Occupation.

18/10/02 - Beta Testers Wanted
Medieval is now ready for beta testing, so if anyone would like to beta test it then just send me an email. First 5 people to apply get a free t-shirt (note: promises will not be honoured). It's not my fault, blame the corperate guys running this operation with an iron fist.

08/10/02 - Lines to read
I've had a few requests for lines and types of voices to do for voice samples, so a load of these will be going up on the voice actor page very soon.

08/10/02 - Voice Actors Update
The number of voice samples and emails I've recieved has really amazed me, never could have hoped for such a good response! I now have a voice actor for Kyle, and pretty much all the main characters have voice actors, except Jan Ors. Interestingly I have't recieved any voice samples from female voice actors, so if any ladies out there are thinking of have a go at voice acting, please do, you're in high demand and short supply!
Although the main parts for the next map, working title 'The Guilty Party', are taken, it's still worth sending me voice samples as I'm coming up with new characters for later maps, and a few more characters may be included in The Guilty Party later on in it's development. I will keep in mind anyone who sends me voice samples for any new parts in this or later maps, so please keep those voice samples coming in!

07/10/02 - Voice Actors

Thanks a lot to for posting my request for voice actors, and really quickly too! Have had a great response since, thanks to everyone who has shown interest. I've already got some great voice actors signed up, but there are still a good number of parts needing voice actors (including notably Kyle and Jan), including quite a few new characters added to the site today. I have got a first draft of the script for the next SP map done, will soon be ready to start sending lines out to people!

05/10/02 - WIP's
Main Work In Progress is now Medieval, currently a MP map that I may well convert into an SP map as well. Also working on a kind of experimental duel map with some new mapping elements for me like pendulums and rotating objects.

05/10/02 - Prison_Escape Update
Bit late this as it's been the case for sometime, but Prison_Escape can be downloaded from:
The Massassi Temple
Jedi Outcast Maps

17/09/02 - Prison_Escape completed
I'm delighted to say that Prison_Escape is finally done, after a number of months. I've submitted it to all the JK2 sites I could think of, I'll put links to it as soon as it's avaliable

13/08/02 - Voice Actors needed
For the next map after my upcoming one: Prison_Escape.
Plese go here for more information if you are interested.