Tutorials and help
I owe all these sites a big thank you for allowing me to learn what I know about JK2 mapping

RichDiesal's JK2Radient Mapsource - Mapping University
The core tutorials for anyone wanting to learn how to use JK2Radient, go from the basics to some complex stuff, and are extremely well explained

Bubba's Arena Mapping
These tutorials are for Quake 3, but as this uses a slightly different version of the same editor (Radient) almost all the tutorials still aplly, and they are very clearly set out, well explained and varied

JK2Mapping -
Has a massive selection of downloadable tutorials which cover all sorts of useful specifics about JK2 eiditing, including some very useful stuff on scripting things from patrol routes to altering NPC weapons/statistics.

Great places to get help on practically any mapping problems
Lucasforums - Mapping / levels
TheBigHouse - A really great map site for Quake 2 + 3 with an excellent collection of custom textures for Q3 engine games (including JK2)
Models list
- List of models in the JK2 assets pk3s
Effects lis
t - List of the ffects in the JK2 assets pk3s, thanks to the same people
JK2 Sites
The JK2 sites that provide information and downloads - very popular Jed Knight 2, has a massive collection of files, loads of great hosted stuff and all the news

JediOutcastMaps- a site totally dedicated to maps, has preety much every map for JK2 going, a load of screenshots of each, as well as some great prefabs

The Massassi Temple - 
a site dating from the days of the original Jedi Knight, with a lot of content from both that game and Jedi Knight 2

JediKnight2 Files - a site centred around the files, and it has a very large collection of these, all clearly laid out and rated - "home of the definately-not-premier forums", a JK2 site with a bit of a  different slant on stuff to everyone else


Funny Sites
Funny in various senses of the word...

WotnoRamblings - Brings new meaning to the words 'Megaman comic by talented guy who is also a voice actor' -
Brilliant online comic, new one each day

- Well....
ProMod - Well, I love this mod so far, after playing it I don't want to play JK2 without it