- Jedi Outcast
Occupation 2: Antaean Assualt                             

Occupation(V2)                          24/12/02

Medieval                                    08/11/02         

Prison_Escape                            17/08/02          

Remnant_Experiment                  27/06/02           MassassiTemple                    

Hideout_Escape                          14/06/02      

Hideout                                      12/06/02          
Admiral'sCommandChamber       90/100             Graham
Hangar XVI                               3.50 / 5.00       Grimace                       6/10                 Leslie Judge

Hangar XVI                               2.70 / 5.00       Grimace                       2.75 / 10          Leslie Judge

Hangar XVI                               2.00 / 5.00      Grimace                       2 / 10              Leslie Judge

Hangar XVI                               1.00 / 5.00       Grimace
Map                       1.25 / 10          Leslie Judge

Hangar XVI                                1.00 / 5.00      Grimace                        1 / 10              Leslie Judge                  
My last project for Jedi Outcast, and definately the most ardous to complete. Taking something like six months, in which I nearly gave up a few times. I went for all out modification, with new skins (by Prime), model (by Corto Maltes), weapons (by Spectrum and Major Clod), menu, textures, skyboxes (Leslie Judge) as well as a huge amount of voice acting and 6 levels total (one for cutscenes), I also recieved a massive amount of help from all kinds of people in completing it. Looking back, its enjoyable and certainly pretty unique, but in taking on such an ambitious project I really did leave myself too much to do, and this shows in the lack of detail in places. The architecture is definately my best yet, but still leaves a lot to be desired. There was just so much voice acting that I rushed too much with some of the cutscenes, not adding enough movement of both camera and NPCs to make it more dynamic. Still, I think I have learnt more from this project than any other, and I will never take on such a huge project on my own again.

I was pretty ambitious here, this was the first JO map to feature large amounts of voice acting and numerous long cutscenes. My skills with scripting weren't too hot though, so the camera and NPCs don't move anywhere near enough in the cutscenes. The level is pretty fun to play I think, but isn't really that long, myabe half an hour. I am quite proud of the opening cutscene, I remember being excited at the time by the idea of being able to make something that felt cinamtic and film-like.

My first and only MP map for JO. I'm glad I made it, it expanded my skills particularly in architecture, and showed me a different area of mapping. It was the first time I used custom textures in large amounts, finding Iikka "Fingers" Keranen's Medieval texture set which I was to use extensively in both Occupation and Occupation 2. I think its a fairly enjoyable map, with lots of jumping around on roovers and battlements and such, but itspretty simplistic and has barely been played online I am sad to say.

For me, this was when I stopped being a completely terrible mapper and made something with a bit of potential. A cutscene at the beginning was one of the first in a released JO map, and I also got Jamie O' Neill in to do a bit of voice acting - playing the bad guy, a part which fits him like a glove I might add. The overall design had come on leaps and bounds from Remnant_Experiment, all the time I spent learning before and as I made this map really paid of in my opinion. I still think its quite fun, if badly made - Lou still seems to have a thing for it!

Well...I think its fair to say my most universally reviled map. Man it's bad. It's a little more adavanced and realistic than the Hideout maps, but it doesn't have their hack everything up kind of charm. The response to this one really showed me I needed to learn a lot if I was gonna make another map. I might well have not bothered had it not been for Mercenary's support.

This map took a few days kind of inbetween exams as I remember. I took the Hideout map, changed the NPCs around a bit and that was pretty much it. You start from the other end and hack your way through, thats pretty much it...

My first ever map! Amazingly basic, for me its a miracle it worked at all really. As I made this, I realised why I wanted to map SP - to create atmosphere and storylines. I didn't exactly manage it very well here, but it was a start.
Here are details of all my maps so far. On the left are download locations, on the right some of my opinions on the maps, looking back.
I'm keeping some of the old documentation and info that I had for my maps here, its kinda nostalgic to read through...
Occupation (Version 2) info page

Medieval info page
WIP Page

Prison_Escape info page

Remnant_Experiment info page

Hideout_Escape info page

Hideout info page
Here are links to reviews and critical appraisals of my past maps, yes, even the really bad ones.