Work In Progress: Occupation: Assualt
For my next SP map I am planning to continue the story from where Occupation left off, but from a different angle. Kyle will be an intermittantly appearing character, the story will centre around a small squad of elite Republic assualt troops who are sent in to help protect the inhabitants of the town against Imperial reprisals until the main Republic ground force can arrive.
I am working on the characters of the soldiers now, their voices and skins.
I have laid down some groundwork, looking at the different characters, and working on the opening cutscene whilst experimenting with improving my scripting of NPC actions.

I am aiming for a kind of Opposing Force style for this map, with a lot of firefights and also some quieter bits with some tension building.

A lot of the map will take place in the town featured in Occupation, so I should be able to get some early stuff laid down fairly fast. I will open up new areas of that map, with more buildings to go into. I will also look to add extra areas for the assualt squad to explore. I should have some screenshots up fairly soon.