Characters Voice Actors | Storylines |Main
(HO) - Hideout
(HE) - Hideout Escape (RE) - Remnant Experiment
(PE) - Prison Escape
(OC) - Occupation
Republic ___________________________________
Kyle Katarn (Human) (HO, HE, RE, PE, OC)
- Central character of the Dark Forces and Jedi Knight games, Katarn has been many things in his time. From Rebel operative to trainee Jedi. He is drawn into events when he is asked for help by a young Padawan, Ryek DeMetz, to rescue his master.

Voice Actor - Adam Johnson
Jan Ors (Human) (OC)
Key figure in the Dark Forces and Jedi Knight games. An excellent pilot who has displayed bravery and intelligence on many occasions, and has earned Kyle's complete trust, something that few can claim.

Voice Actor - Required
Republic Commander (Human) (OC)
An important figure in the Republic's military, particulalry involved with covert operations and special forces

Voice Actor - Mauri "Darkblade" Majanoja
Lt. A. Marshall (Human)
Republic ground forces Lieutenant, litte respect for the Jedi, almost bordering on an active dislike.

Voice Actor -  Stephen "Wotno" Peacock
Jedi ___________________________________
Ryek DeMetz (Human) (HO, HE)
A young and promising padawan, with a quiet and polite manner he doesn't strike an immediate impression, but he is already very skilled with a lightsaber and the force.

Voice Actor - David Bradshaw AKA Grim_Squeaker
Shim Azu Uesegi (Human) (HE)
One of the first to qualify for full Jedi Knight status from Luke Skywalker's academy on Yavin IV, he is resourceful and intuitive. A hard upbringing has left him with more all round weapons skills than most Jedi, and a deeper understanding of those in the same situation he was in.

Voice Actor - Erik "Muurn" Moon
Galtech ___________________________________
Micheal Jameson (Human) (OC)
Head of Galtech Industries. There are rumours about his past, which was apparently less than orthodox for a man who would become head of one of the most important technological corperations in the New Republic. There is something about him that doesn't add up; Kyle has yet to put his finger on it.

Voice Actor - Erik "Muurn" Moon
Ryar Iyet (Human) (OC)
Galtech Security Head. Highly trustworthy, efficient and skilled. His family was captured by the Remnant and they forced him to steal data from Galtech. Deliberately led Kyle and Jan to the Remnant on Aquilonus; realising his usefulness to the Remnant had run out and what that meant.

Voice Actor - Christopher Barlow
Criminals and Mercenaries ________________
Cardett Owan (Rodian)
Shady criminal involved in the Remnant's activities in some way, possibly in alliance with them. Very dangerous. Possible links outside of the criminal fraternity as well.

Voice Actor - David Bradshaw AKA Grim_Squeaker
Fighters  (Unclear Allegances)__________________
Manet Lagant (Unknown) (OC)
Warrior in red armour who carries an orange lightsaber. Is not a force user, just an expert with a lightsaber and armour which is both force resistant and highly impervious to weaponary. Fights for the head of Remnant forces on Aquilonus, presumably as a mercenary.

Voice Actor - Leo "Darth Exodus" Thornton
Unknown - Kyle notices a disturbance in the force, and a very shady figure on the edge of his perception.

Voice Actor - William Grammer
Remnant ___________________________________
Commander Hevet (Human) (PE)
A Remnant Commander who seems to be involved in the strange experimentation and research that Kyle is beggining to uncover in Remnant_Experiment and Prison_Escape. These experiments seem to involve Reborn, experiments on creatures and a lot of technology whose origin appears to involve Galtech in some way. Having met Kyle once he appeared cold, calculating and arrogant. In these respects at least, a fairly typical Remnant officer.

Voice Actor -
Jamie "Charlieclaw" O'Neill
Townspeople (Aquilonus) _____________________
Drake (Human) (OC)
Head of a local resistance movement. Maybe not the best run resistance movement ever, but at least he's trying

Voice Actor - Adam Johnson
Mard (Human (OC)
A nervous but helpful townsman

Voice Actor - Nick "BlindSkater" C.
Bartender (Chiss) (OC)
A helpful bartender who gives Kyle some vital information

Voice Actor - Adam Johnson

Merchant (Human) (OC)
Hesistant merchant for whom business has been almost non-existant over the years of Remnant occupation. Furious at what the Remnant have done to everyone on Aquilonus.

Voice Actor - Christopher Barlow

Shopkeeper (Rodian) (OC)
Rather unusually a Rodian who is a shopkeeper. His small shop in the town on Aquilonus sells very little due to Remnant restrictions. He seems very bored.

Voice Actor - Richard "frances_farmer" White
Doctor (Human) (OC)
A brave doctor who has stayed on Aquilonus because he is needed there. Makes do with the few medical supplies he has.

Voice Actor - Chronocrossed
Panet (Human) (OC)
Defensive townsperson who has hidden in his house with his family for some time - feels angry but helpless.

Voice Actor - Christopher Barlow
Towes (Human) (OC)
A quiet townsperson who stays inside almost all the time, sitting by the fire and hoping that someone will come to save them from the Remnant one day.

Voice Actor - Matt Barton
Arcet (Human) (OC)
A nervous townsperson who has a strong interest in books, and believes stongly in the free exchange of ideas.

Voice Actor -
Stephen "Wotno" Peacock